Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why "Dragon Army"

When pressed I will always state that my favorite book is Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game". No one (at least that I've met) is as smart as Ender, but when I first read that book I definitely identified with him, not to mention the idea of the Battle Room and a school of all smart kids seemed totally awesome. Dragon Army is the Battle School army they give Ender. It's a collection of seeming misfits that Ender is able to mold into the greatest fighting force in the history of the school. I'm just a big enough goober that that idea appeals to me in ways I can't really describe.

So, when wracking my brain for a blog title Dragon Army seemed like a great fit. My thoughts are totally mismatched but when you put them all together the result is (I hope) greater than the sum of the parts. Plus dragons are inherently cool*, armies are inherently cool*, and so the combination of the two is inherently cool*.

Thus, the blog is and always will be titled Dragon Army.

*"cool" here is used not in the "captain of the football team" manner, but rather in the "dragons are cool" manner

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